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Health & Wellness

Why Dairy Free Chips Are Better Than Normal Chips

Why Dairy Free Chips Are Better Than Normal Chips

One of the most common things we hear when we ask people if they want to switch to a vegan lifestyle is, “But that means giving up cheese!” We’ll admit it—cheese tastes good. But you don’t have to sacrifice the deliciousness of dairy to go vegan. Plant Snacks created its dairy-free chips with delectable taste in mind, but without any of the drawbacks of traditional dairy products. 

Health Benefits of Dairy-Free Snacks:

  • Better Digestion: The US National Library of Medicine says about 65% of the human population has a reduced ability to digest lactose. Do you struggle with constant gas, bloating, diarrhea, or stomachaches? Your body might be telling you that it may be time to lay off the dairy. 
  • Better Gut Health: Most dairy products contain added sugars which can build up in your system and keep you from losing weight and stubborn belly fat. Milk is pasteurized and homogenized, with synthetic vitamins. These unnatural additives can cause yeast overgrowth and inflammation. Dairy also raises insulin levels that could increase your risk for diabetes, IBS, and other diseases.
  • Better Skin: Dairy contains hormones that can throw off hormones in your skin, leading to increased sebum and clogged pores. Stop eating dairy and your skin just might get clearer!
  • Better Health: Scientists have linked dairy to causing numerous health issues like thyroid inflammation, heart disease, hypertension, and even come cancers because of its saturated fat, high sodium levels, and casein compounds. Cutting out dairy could lead to fewer headaches, increased concentration, less fractures, and other positive benefits! 

Tasty Benefits of Dairy-Free Chips

From a health standpoint, making the switch to dairy-free is a no-brainer—especially because there are so many delicious alternatives! Your taste buds won’t even know the difference between our dairy-free nacho tortilla chips and regular nacho chips. We use tapioca solids and onion powder to create an authentically dairy-free cheese that tastes just like nacho! 

Our other signature dairy-free Ranch Tortilla Chips use a yeast extract and garlic powder to mimic the taste of ranch. All of our vegan snacks have a plant-based flour blend of whole ground corn flour, sunflower oil, and other ingredients. These nutrient-dense ingredients give our chips three grams of protein and three grams of fiber per serving. So not only are you getting a delicious snack, but it’s building your body up at the same time!

These chips are great for so many things, like as a snack after work or as an addition on your next charcuterie board. Add some vegan blue cheese or vegan gouda to try with the dairy-free Nacho Tortilla Chips. We guarantee you’ll be blown away—and your non-vegan friends won’t be able to tell!

Try Our Dairy-Free Chips

Wouldn’t it be great if we could eat something that tasted just as good as our favorite dairy products, but without any of the health drawbacks? Dairy-free chips are the way to go. You won’t compromise on taste or function, and you’ll be healthier. It’s a win-win for you on every level! Order some of our plant-based snacks today and get ready to fall in love with a snack so delicious you won’t even miss dairy.


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